Video game for moral education and STEAM development (MORALSTEAM) – Erasmus+ project, that deals with a problem at schools, how to increase students’ interest in STEAM items, educating universal values, necessary for successful further education, professional and social activity. The main goal of our project – to create effective open code tools for moral education and STEAM development for 10-14 y.o. pupils.

Moral education is often mistakenly considered only as a set of rules and regulations, and taught in schools unattractive and boring. Introduction of educational computer games can be a useful tool in promoting learning within the classroom. That give improvement in motivation to learn, and a positive technological transfer of the innovation tool. Computer game for moral education put learners in the role of decision-maker, pushing them through ever harder challenges, engaging the player in experimenting with different ways of learning and thinking.
During MORALSTEAM it will be created a video game – intellectual output, which would be reachable through the virtual platform (e-learning space).
During the game children will collect value – points, will solve moral dilemmas related to STEAM themes, have the opportunity to motive classmates, to ask a teacher a question. The merit of the game – adaptation in moral education lessons, in class time, in social education lessons, as well as in STEAM lessons (nature, mathematics, IT, arts, etc.)
The created video game has manuals – systematization of virtue (“Encyclopedia of value”) and research information about pupils’ knowledge. “Encyclopedia of value” is a list of values with descriptions, adapted to the understanding of the pupils, valuable to teachers, help to prepare for lessons, collect interesting material for children. The material is structured based on the principles of spiral and concentricity. The material based on a children’s research conducted in the 3 countries, according to the recommendations of pupils, teachers and researchers, i.e. based on a common European approach. The manual is innovative, versatile, adaptable in STEAM subject lessons, moral education and other lessons, as well as in classroom lessons, in non-formal education.
Research is applied to analyze knowledge and relevant moral dilemmas, that are universal for the pupils on each country of above mentioned age. Research results necessary for game content, and for measuring the changes of general competences of pupils.
The created video game is based on the STEAM themes (with facts, questions, pupils choice, etc.), which are structured according to most popular topics in partner country (great need/lack of relevant information, data, etc.), and will increase interest and pupils level of achievement in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.
The video game and material available for everyone interested in 4 languages: Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Italian and English. There are 4 participants from 3 countries (Lithuania, Bulgaria, Italy) in the project, working in different areas: organization of social projects for schools (association “PLANET ALIVE” – project coordinator, Lithuania partner), computer games creator (Tag of Joy JSC – Lithuania partner), science linked with human existence (ASPECT-MANAGEMENT AND INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS – Bulgaria partner), training center that strongly believes in and supports the innovation, modernization and internationalization of education (Erasmus Learning Academy – Italy partner). The partners interested in preaching of morals at schools also have different experience, useful for project accomplishment, total of 20 persons (scientists, programmers, project leaders, teachers, etc.).
There are 3 transnational meetings provided for project planning, analysis of activities and development. Research is planned during the project (2 questionnaire, 2 times pupils and teachers survey), executed in 3 countries (Lithuania, Bulgaria, Italy), 9 associate partners schools, total of ~675 pupils and ~45 teachers. There are 3 conferences and 5 seminars/round table discussion planned for the project and created video game dissemination in all partner countries, in which will be invited interested institutions, which provides material/tools for educational institutions, department of education, delegate from associations (to help to disseminate, reviewers, users, etc. ) The project includes 3 conferences and 5 seminars/”round table” discussions to disseminate the developed tools for school pedagogues. About 200 participants-teachers, parents and 2000 pupils will play this game during test and dissemination activities.
Main expected results – very high level of participating students and teachers positive ratings of the game and methodical material, and very high level adaptation of students‘ moral dilemmas in everyday life.
The project manager is Loreta Valuckienė