Projektas Apkabinkime Žemę

Social project to strengthen peace on Earth
“Planet Alive” project for peace on Earth “HUG MY PLANET” is an act of togetherness and solidarity with people and the Earth, understandable to people of all nationalities, genders, ages and beliefs. When we extend our hand to the person next to us, we express trust in the person, common concern for the Earth and love for it.

• Since 2012 – 612 events of the “Embrace the Earth” project took place, bringing together 114 836 participants.

• 204 “Embrace the Earth” actions in which 7,832 people participated.

• 76 “Let’s hug the Earth together” actions, in which 10 575 people participated.

• 150 “Let’s Hug the Earth on Valentine’s Day” events (in 2014/2015/2016), in which 8632 people participated.

• 77 “Embrace the Earth with Good deeds” events (2015-2016), in which 9 515 people participated.

• 3 “Dance to Earth” events (in 2017/2018/2019), in which 32 362 people participated).

• 3 “Peace Day” events (in 2017/2018/2019), in which 181 institutions and 13 216 people participated.

• “Our Home – The Land of Virtues” project (in 2019), in which 129 educational institutions and 12 504 people participated.

• “Human Gift to the Earth” project (in 2020), in which 44 institutions and 5 562 people participated.

It has been taking place since 2012 June 3. About the “Embrace the Earth” project More.